Why is the topic of money so predominate in the Bible?
Money is a primary idol affecting people from all walks of life, causing one to struggle with idolatry from either having too much, or too little.
Does that mean money is a bad thing? It can be, but God also uses money to bless people. However, if a person is in love with money or if it becomes an all-consuming focus, it can destroy many people and relationships, including a persons relationship with God.
Probably one of the most widely used scriptures pertaining to money, which is often misquoted is the scripture 1 Timothy 6:10, which states, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." but many mis-quote that scripture to read, "Money is the root of all evil.", which takes on a completely different meaning!
The Bible makes it perfectly clear that God blesses specific individuals with large amounts of money, and/or possessions of significant monetary value. Money in the Bible is also used to demonstrate stewardship issues, and attitudes of the heart. Money isn't the issue, but the love for money is an issue.
Curious about how many times 'money' appears in scriptures? Find out from this money in the Bible video.